CDC Adjusts Mask Recommendations Under New Criteria
To wear your mask or to not wear your mask? That's a big question waiting for an appropriate answer.
As you know, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are making it clear that guidelines are now in effect.
And before we get into this, just remember that it's okay to do what's best for you and your family. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask when you're around crowds, then by all means wear your mask.

According to mlive.com:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has adjusted its recommendations for masks and is basing them not only on new community cases, but also on local COVID-19 hospitalizations. It is also dropping its guidance that students and staff universally mask in schools.
Right now, there are over 60 Michigan counties where residents are not required or asked to wear masks.
At this point many Michiganders are curious about who should be wearing masks and would like more information about other preventive measures.
Here's what we do know, courtesy of mlive.com:
There will be three levels: green, yellow and orange. Only those living in counties considered orange will be recommended to mask up. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask regardless of their community levels.
Currently in Michigan, there are 17 counties considered to be at the highest level. If you would like to see which counties, just click on the above link.
My wife and I both had COVID-19 back in January and we both feel uneasy going anywhere even though the numbers in Michigan are much lower.
We bowl on a league here in Lansing every Tuesday night and we still wear a mask the entire time we bowl together on league night.
I've already spoken to several people within the last two weeks who have not only tested positive once, but twice.
The CDC is doing a great job keeping us in the loop regarding COVID-19 protocols. But even in many areas where it might be okay to not wear masks for the time being, there's nothing wrong with masking up if it gives you a little peace of mind.
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