Daylight Saving Time All Year in Michigan?
Right now in Michigan we're scheduled to come off Daylight Saving Time right after Halloween on Sunday, November 1.
But what do you think of Michigan staying on Daylight Saving Time all year?
There are eleven states including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and now Florida trying to stay on Daylight Saving Time all year, pending government approval...
UPDATE: The Big 10 Will Play Football Beginning in October
The presidents of the fourteen Big 10 Schools will have to get together and vote on whether to play now or wait until spring.
NBA Coming Back Without the Detroit Pistons
Looks like we are going to get the NBA Back with 22 teams, but Detroit will not be one of them because they were not in playoff position.
New Norm as Casinos Open
Here's what to expect as the Casinos reopen in Michigan this week. I was able to visit a casino out of state that opened last week. So want to show what the new norm looks like so you're prepared.
Soaring Eagle in Mt Pleasant opened this morning at 8AM...
10 Steps to Get Ready for Spring Boating in Michigan
Here's a checklist of what you'll need to do before you head to the boat launch. You don't want to be that guy whose boat won't start holding up the other boats ready to go.