MICHIGAN ROADTRIP: The Mackinac Bridge Antique Tractor Crossing
The Antique Farm Power Club had its genesis in 1991 when a group of fans, experts & aficionados of antique farm equipment gathered and thought this interest of theirs would make a good club.
The point of the club is not just to admire, restore, and collect antique farm equipment, but, according to their web site, is "dedicated to preserving the agricultural heritage of farm life when small family farms were the lifeblood of our culture and to demonstrate that lifestyle and heritage to future generations".
Coming up on September 6 is the 2019 Annual Mackinac Bridge Crossing, with approximately 1,500 antique tractors participating!
It's not too late for participants to enter - DEADLINE IS THIS SATURDAY, AUGUST 24.
If you aren't participating, it doesn't matter. It's worth the drive up to see all these tractors making their attempt across the Mackinac Bridge...in years past, some tractors have even broken down on the bridge. Who knows? Could happen again!
Yes, people walk the bridge over Labor Day weekend...yes, there is a semi-truck crossing during the year as well...but if you haven't seen the tractor crossing yet, do so this year.
The 12th Annual Mackinac Bridge Antique Tractor Crossing is presented by Owosso Tractor, so all in the Owosso area, show it some love in the next few weeks!
Check out their Facebook page HERE, then plan on making the trek north for this event!
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