Mt. Dew Ice Cream Cones Available This Week ONLY (June 5-11) in Redford, Michigan
THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY WEEK OUT OF THE WHOLE YEAR.....that you can get yourself some Mountain Dew ice cream cones at the Dairy Whip in Redford!
And soft-serve, to boot!
Dairy Whip has been bringing soft-serve Mountain Dew ice cream cones back every year for one week in June since 2020...and for this one week, it's the hottest thing in Redford.
Located at 26215 Plymouth Road, Dairy Whip's owners perfected the Mt. Dew recipe over a period of time and it ws worth it. According to an Mlive article, owner Josh Hutchison says “I finally got the consistency to be perfect. There’s no cream to it, but it comes out and tastes just like ice cream.....I (finally) put it together after eight tries.”
Take an afternoon/evening journey over to Redford sometime this wee and get your Mt. Dew cone. Don't put it off or you'll have to wait another year! Open every day Noon to 10pm.
Mt. Dew Ice Cream!