Watch out for “Adopt A Highway” Clean-up Crews
Be careful while driving along Michigan's highways this week. The "Adopt A Highway" clean-up crews will be out to pick up trash along our roadways to help keep our state looking the best it can.
"Adopt A Highway" is a program through the Michigan Department of Transportation designed to help keep the state's highway roadsides clean and attractive. Volunteers adopt both sides of a section of state highway roadside to clean up over a two-year period. A minimum two-mile stretch of roadway is recommended.
The "Adopt A Highway" pickup dates remaining for 2020 are:
- Summer -- Saturday, July 18th-Sunday, July 26th
- Fall -- Saturday, September 26th-Sunday, October 4th
I'm always amazed at the things you will see piled alongside the road after this clean-up. People lose some of the strangest things. Sure, you'll find just regular trash -- things people have rudely tossed out the window. (The world is NOT your trash can!) Some of the stranger items I always see...things like full bumpers, mattresses, and just one shoe. I've also seen things like furniture, couch cushions, pillows, TV's, and even an empty barrel in the past. I'm guessing a lot of people lose these things while moving from one home to another.
For the next week or so, you will see trash bags and piles of this junk along the highway -- waiting to be picked up and hauled away after the workers have gathered it up. Take a quick glance at the items you see. You never know what the workers may have found!
If your group or business would like to adopt a section of Michigan's highway to help clean up, here is the application form.
Let's keep these volunteers safe this week -- while they work to keep our state "lookin' good"!
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