Forty-One Little-Known Facts About Lansing You Should Know
Did you know these ten little facts about Lansing?
1) It was once called “Biddle City.”
2) The co-founder of Google grew up in Lansing.
3) When Lansing was made the Capitol of Michigan, only 20 people lived there.
4) Students in MSU’s first graduating class (1861) were excused a few months before graduation so they could join the Union army and fight in the Civil War.
5) Lansing is listed as the “16th Brainiest City in America.”
6) Lansing’s first Capitol building was made of wood.
7) Lansing became state capitol over Detroit because Detroit was too close to Canada….. which was controlled by the British.
8) Lansing was named after Lansing, New York.
9) Malcolm X once lived in Lansing.
10) Lansing was the first city in America to establish women’s history organizations.
...and that's just a tip of the iceberg!
CLICK HERE to read a list of FORTY-ONE things you may or may not know about Lansing! This is an awesome, interesting site with a wealth of fascinating Lansing facts you may not know!