Your Michigan Thanksgiving Celebration Will Never Be Complete Without These Items
At tables around America, families will be gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving. If you're celebrating in Michigan, be sure you've got these items and you'll really feel complete.
The Apparel
Turkey, Napping, Lions, Repeat. Do you need further instruction?
Show you thankfulness and your Michiganderness.
That's just how Barry Sanders did it. For sure.
The Traditions
Before Detroit was known for a Thanksgiving Day football game, there was a parade.
Before you eat the pies, read about an inspiring Detroit baker.
The Table
If you don't have anything from Zingerman's on your table, make something with their recipes
Add a cherry pie with Michigan cherries to that traditional pumpkin.
No matter what items you have around your Thanksgiving table, know that if you're celebrating in Michigan, there's no better place to be on Thanksgiving.
Oh, and if you're from the southwest corner of the state like I am, while we're watching the game in Detroit, we're much more likely to say Go Bears.
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