10 Pictures of Dogs Whose Owners Cut Their Hair in Quarantine
Tough times call for tough decisions, and cutting your pets' hair is one of them.
When the COVID-19 outbreak started, I decided to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Nobody knows how long this is going to last, and our 12-year-old miniature schnauzer was already looking pretty scruffy.
I was forced to make a choice, and it wasn't easy - I decided to buy clippers and groom her myself.
The clippers I had used kept popping out of the socket; I just assumed that I was holding them wrong. This was Pepper before...
...and here she was after her first cut with the defective clippers. Not great, but an improvement on her "umbrella eyebrows."
After leaving a bad review on Amazon, the seller sent me a new set. And I am MUCH happier with how she turned out THIS time!
If you're thinking of doing it at home, here are the clippers that I used from Amazon.
Here Are 10 Dogs Whose Owners Groomed Them At Home

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