My name is AJ, real name is Jenny. AJ stands for "And Jenny." At our first radio station, there was already a "Jenny" on staff. So I had to come up with something different. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I loved theater, sports and making my own radio shows as a kid, but I never planned on getting into radio. I used to be an Irish dancer and had my own Irish dance school in Wisconsin. Married to Pat, have a 10-year-old son who's on the autism spectrum. Our house is a small zoo: a dog, 2 cats, a bird, a snake, and a fish. I'm probably a little too easy going. I turn into a doormat. So if you need something from me, I'll probably do it. Just don't ask me to clean your house. I live with two boys; I'm tired of cleaning.
Stop Sharing the ALDI Free Groceries Post – It’s A Scam
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Actually, in this case, it DEFINITELY is.
Big Boy Taking Legal Action Against Michigan Owner for Staying Open
"Thank you Big Boy for all the years of partnership and memories, best of luck to you."
This Chart Shows You How Long It’s Safe To Keep Your Thanksgiving Leftovers
I don't know about you, but I could've used this chart pretty much every year.
If You Love Cats, This Is The House for You. Or, Maybe Not…
It's called "Catopia" and it's exactly...just...that.
The FBI Arrested an Escaped Convicted Murderer in Grand Blanc
The Pennsylvania man had been on the run since 1971.
Zoom Removing 40-Minute Time Limit for Thanksgiving
The online video chat company is making it easier to connect with your family this Thanksgiving.
Flint Mural, Finished Two Days Ago, Painted Over
“Some folks don’t like it when people smile, apparently.”
Veterans, Gold Star Families Get Free Admission to National Parks for Life
And, fittingly, it starts today, on Veterans Day.
Grocery Stores Are Using ‘Salad Robots’ to Replace Salad Bars During COVID
Because if there's one thing we NEED to have, it's salad bars, am I right?
VIRAL: Trick-Or-Treaters Leave Candy for Child With Cancer
"If anyone thought there was no hope in our kids and teens, you're wrong."