Young Boy Responsible For 1300 Dog Adoptions
The 7-year-old boy was named 'Kid Of The Year' after he rescued for then 1,300 dogs.
Roman McConn is on a mission to save dogs. This wonderful young man focuses on the oldest, most unwanted animals that are on the euthanasia list in shelters and he helps find them homes.
Roman has been rescuing animals since he was 4, with the help of his Mom. She videos the adorable Roman playing with the shelter dogs and cats, as he talks about each one. His rescue record right now is 1,300 dogs and 40 cats. The shelter staff say Roman is a "dog whisperer."
Roman spends time getting to know each of the animals then he makes makes a video of him playing with and talking about the dogs. His videos really showcase the dog's personalities. According to Roman, he does this because "dogs don't need to be in a shelter, they need to do things."
According to Roman's Mom, "he lights up like a Christmas tree" whenever he learns that another animal has found its forever home.
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