Will The Speedy Freeze Or The Slurpee Win? Or Both? Or What?
Over the years, there have been some legendary battles between powerful and popular foes, like:
The Detroit Tigers and The Cleveland Indians...
The Detroit Lions and The Green Bay Packers...I've actually known a couple guys who let that rivalry extend to in front of one of the concession stands. Luckily, it didn't get past a couple guys talking smack, but there you have it. And no, neither of the guys were me.
Now back to more popular rivalries:
Superman and Lex Luthor...
Batman and Joker...
Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus...
The big question is will there now be a rivalry between the Speedy Freeze and the Slurpee???
Of course the delicious Speedy Freeze can be found at Speedway and the Slurpee? Well everyone knows that you can get one at 7/11. I guess you could call them rival drinks now, being at competing convenience stores but how will it shake out now that...wait for it...
7/11 has purchased Speedway!!!
That's right, according to News 10, that happened. And 7/11 spent a couple bucks to make that happen. Like $21 billion. Billion with a "B". That is a lot of Slurpees. With this acquisition, 7/11 will get almost four thousand more locations.
So, it begs the question. What is gonna go? The Speedy Freeze or The Slurpee? Will Speedway still be Speedway and 7/11 still be 7/11 with no changes in their delicious frozen drinks or will Speedway's now become 7/11's and then serve only Slurpees?
It's all a bit too mind boggling for a guy to consider but I'm sure that no matter what happens I'll be okay with the outcome as I have consumed way more than my share of both over the years. We'll just have to see...
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