How many times have you updated your phone when prompted, without giving it a second thought? Sometimes, not often, but sometimes these updates can come with a few unsettling surprises.

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Michigan and the rest of the country woke up to some interesting new features on their iPhones recently thanks to iOS 17. The Jackson County Office of the Sheriff issued a privacy warning for all Michigan residents via their Facebook page in regard to Apple's most recent software update:

Apple's newest update comes with a new feature, NameDrop, that allows your contact information to be shared by just being near someone automatically enabled. More from the post:

If you have an iPhone and have done the recent iOS 17 update, they have set a new feature called “NameDrop” defaulted to ON after completing the update.
This feature allows you to share your contact information by being next to another iphone.
While the benefits of the feature can be argued, it's alarming that someone with bad intentions could quickly, and with minimal effort, learn some very intimate details about you. The Jackson County Office of the Sheriff, recommends taking the following steps to disable the feature:
To shut this off:
  1. Go to Settings
  2. General
  3. AirDrop
  4. Bringing Devices Together
    1. Change to OFF.
PARENTS: Don’t forget to change these settings after the update on your children’s phones to help keep them safe as well!
You can never be too careful when it comes to protecting your privacy and Michigan children. Thanks for the heads up Jackson County Office of the Sheriff.

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