Things You Learned If You Grew Up In Michigan
Growing up in Michigan was awesome. No matter the season, there was always something fun going on.
Once I was at college I realized that by growing up in Michigan I experienced many things others who did not.
Here is a list of 10 things that everyone who grew up in Michigan learned.
1 How to skip stones. Petoskey stones worked well.
2 Your hand makes a handy map of Michigan
3 Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) the beer Dad had in the fridge, and the beer we would sneak out and drink behind the shed.
4 That Michigan State fans and Michigan fans agree on one thing, we all hate Ohio State.
5 In Michigan we have the most beautiful shore lines and beaches.
6 You are not really up-north until your pass Clare.
7 If you go to Mackinaw City or Mackinac Island you are a 'Fudgie'. If you live in lower Michigan you are a 'Troll because you live below the bridge.
8 Here in Michigan we drink POP not SODA.
9 Making A Michigan left is something we always have to explain to folks from out of town.
10 When it rains in Michigan it smells like worms.
A couple of other things that could have been on the list.... When I was younger , I remember school would be closed on the first day of deer hunting season. especially schools up-north. Finally, even though the Detroit Lions have never made it to a Super Bowl, we Lion's fans are loyal and love our team.....but would really like to have them make it to a Super Bowl.

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