There are a lot of long things in the Mitten State. Let's take a look at just a few of them before taking the time to read the longest name for a village, town, or city in Michigan.

Michigan 'Longest' Things You Never Thought You Needed to Know

These are random facts that you more than likely won't use for a...long...time, but lets take out our rulers and see how Michigan measures up:

  • Michigan's Longest River
    • The Grand River is the state's longest river at 252 miles in length. It was originally known as Owashtanong, which means 'far away water' in English.
  • Michigan's Longest Road
  • Michigan's Longest Tunnel
    • If you're thinking: 'It's an international crossing from Michigan to Canada, you're right! If you're thinking of the Winsor Tunnel', you're wrong. That wasn't even the first international tunnel built in Mitten. The original underwater border crossing was a train crossing. See the link below for more.
    • Related: You've Likely Never Been in Michigan's Longest Tunnel

  • The World's Longest Timber-Towered Suspension Bridge is in Michigan
    • Boyne Mountain Ski Resort, in Boyne Falls, Michigan, is home not only to Michigan's longest timber-towered suspension bridge but also the world's longest at 1,200 feet long and 118 feet above the ground at its highest point.

The Loooooooooooongest Name For a Village, Town, or City in Michigan


Weighing in at 27 letters, the Village of Grosse Pointe Shores holds the title of the longest name for a village, town, or city in Michigan. And if you're curious, it is the 4th longest name for a city in the United States of America.

19 of the Longest Names for Villages, Towns, and Cities in the US

Business Insider recently compiled a list of some of the United States' most 'long' winded city names that seem to go on and on. Here are 20 of the Longest Names for Villages, Towns, and Cities in the US.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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