Are The West Michigan Whitecaps Changing Their Name to The West Michigan Oat Milkers?Are The West Michigan Whitecaps Changing Their Name to The West Michigan Oat Milkers?It seems like a weird pivot, but the West Michigan Whitecaps potentially won't be the only MiLB team sporting these strange uniforms for one game.Laura HardyLaura Hardy
The Story of the Giant Lugnut Watching Over Downtown LansingThe Story of the Giant Lugnut Watching Over Downtown LansingLives over a bar and loves baseball - what's not to love about that?Banana DonBanana Don
No Lugnuts But Lemonade This Season? We’ll ExplainNo Lugnuts But Lemonade This Season? We’ll ExplainThe Lansing Lugnuts 25th anniversary 2020 season is a wrap. But what else do they have up their sleeve at Cooley Law School Stadium?LargeLarge
Lansing Lugnuts Update Logo For 25 Year AnniversaryLansing Lugnuts Update Logo For 25 Year AnniversaryLansing Lugnuts Baseball has been a Lansing tradition for twenty-five years now, and they just recently revamped their logo. Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg