The 1888 Stone Mansion in Alma, Michigan: Inside and Out
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
This old 1888 stone mansion was built in Alma by lumber baron Ammi Willard Wright. One of the things that made this stone mansion different from others (yes, there were others) was its hot water system. The Wrights lived in this home for a good 46 years until they sold it in 1934.
Ammi was born in 1822 and moved to Alma when he was 62 (1884). A businessman, Wright did his part to help Alma grow by constructing a hotel, opera house (theater), and sanitarium. He made hefty contributions to Alma College and had a hand in banks, various companies, and railroads.....wealthy, indeed.

The mansion was turned into the Smith Memorial Hospital, serving the community and birthing over three thousand babies. As more and more people were needing treatment and medicine was making great strides, soon there was just not enough room to handle the patients in need. So, in 1959 it was taken over by the Northwood Institute in order to teach and educate their young students the art of medicine. A couple of years later (1961) it was moved to Midland, leaving the old stone mansion deserted.
Located at 503 N. State Street in Alma, the house is made of Ionia sandstone and features many bays, gables, and columns. Along with the hot water system that made other residents envious, there was gas lighting and electricity...doesn’t sound like much now, but back then it was a big deal.
So what is the fate of the Alma Stone House? As of this writing, it’s not sure. Alma City Hall, for now, is responsible for its upkeep.....will they tear it down or preserve it? Take a look inside and out...
A Look Inside the Wright Stone Mansion in Alma
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