State Employees Still Working During Spread of Coronavirus
According to the Lansing State Journal, it's hard to keep 6 feet away from co-workers in an office building like the State of Michigan Operations Center in Dimondale.
The Department of Treasury estimates that over 300 state employees reported to work on Tuesday, the day after Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order prohibiting most gatherings of more than 50 people in a single indoor space.
The order was signed to slow the spread of COVID-19 through Michigan.
Some state employees don't have the equipment necessary to work remotely, or their job can't be done from home. For example, child welfare workers provide essential services that ensure children and families are safe. Others, like those manning local unemployment offices, manage vital public programs for Michigan residents who are out of work because of the coronavirus.
Governor Whitmer thanked state workers in a video posted online. She said their hard work and dedication has allowed state leaders to take swift actions to protect Michigan families.

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