Sparrow Hospital Holds Job Fair
Sparrow Health System is looking to hire some new employees. In fact, Sparrow is looking to hire more than 200 people.
The health care prover will be holding their job fair this morning (Tuesday 07-21) at Sparrow Physicians Health Plan's parking lot, located at 1400 East Michigan Avenue.
Sparrow says the will be hiring for entry level jobs.
Some of the jobs available are environmental services technicians, food services and nutrition, phlebotomist , and security entrance coordinators.
The event will take place today from 7AM until 1PM this afternoon and again tomorrow. Interviews will take place on site, so dress accordingly. Attendees MUST wear masks!!
If you would like to register for the job fair, you can go online here.
Sparrow is holding the job fair at this time when they need workers, and many workers in our area are in need of jobs.
These are entry level jobs, but they ask when you come to the job fair you do bring an up-to-date resume.
Once again, the job fair is today and tomorrow (July 21st and 22nd) and will take place at Sparrow Physicians Health Plan's parking lot. That lot is located at 1400 E. Michigan Avenue.
Mask UP! Keep yourself and those around you healthy. Wearing a face mask is one super easy way to help stop COVID-19 from spreading.
If you are interested in working for Sparrow Hospital, don't miss today's job fair.