Shocking News From General Motors
Shocking news, but in a good way. The auto giant has shocked nearly one thousand of its temporary workers by giving the full-time promotions.
One worker at Flints Assembly plant has been part time for over three years. He found out Sunday morning that he and several hundred other part-time workers were being promoted to full time GM employees.
Many workers crowded into their Union Hall for what they thought would be a routine meeting, when the local president stepped up to the mic and spoke the 'magical words' "as of tomorrow, you guys are full-time seniority employees of GM."
The action is keeping with the terms that were struck in the 2019 four-year UAW contract that GM employees ratified in October after a 40 day strike. The new wages are $20 to $24 dollars an hour.
Ford Motor Company also moved 592 temps to permanent full time status on Monday.