Do Lansing or Jackson Have Any Red Light Cameras?
If you grew up watching big action movies, you probably at one point saw a scene where a traffic camera caught someone blowing through a red light.
It happens, both on accident or on purpose.
With that being said though, do the drivers here in Lansing or Jackson have anything to worry about while out on the roads?
For Starters, What Is A Red Light Camera
Red-light cameras are cameras that are set up at lights and are used as physical evidence for someone blowing through a red light.
Does Michigan Have Any Red Light Cameras?
Michigan actually doesn't have any red-light cameras. However, we do have License plate cameras.

How Many License Plate Cameras Are In Michigan?
We actually only have 27 cameras in the entire state of Michigan, all residing in Michigan's lower peninsula. Most being found in bigger cities like Flint, Grand Rapids, and suburbs of the Detroit area.
Does Lansing or Jackson Have Any Of These Cameras?
Lansing doesn't have any listed License plate cameras.
Does Jackson Have Any License Plate Cameras?
From what I could find, Jackson actually does have two of these cameras. The next time you're down in the area, maybe take that next red light a little more seriously.
What Are The Cameras At Red Lights?
Those cameras typically just monitor traffic flows in the area, to help manipulate the lights. Those typically don't play much into getting you in trouble.
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