Proven Ways To Prevent Dementia
Experts say if you want to keep dementia at bay, you need to challenge your brain, stay fit and being sociable all help keep away a decline in brain function.
A study done in the United Kingdom finds that there will be one million people living there with dementia in the year 2025 and that one person is diagnosed with the condition every three minutes. Its hopeful, that there will be drugs to treat the disease , because scientists say that soon, of those under the age of 65, one in 20 will develop dementia or Alzheimher's disease.
Here are some way's to keep your brain stimulated. Evidence now shows that it is not about intellectual activity, but more about social interaction. Chatting and being social with friends in a work environment is probably what lights up your brain more than anything else, like crosswords or Sudoku.
Some studies have suggested long-term use of aspirin is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's.
This is from one of my favorite studies, it finds that one to three glasses of champagne could help improve memory and brain function thanks to special compounds found in the grapes used to make the delicious drink. I never saw how often you were suppose to consume the champagne, so I have decided that for me....I would like to drink the one to three glasses every day. If nothing else, it would make me nicer to be around.
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