Photos: The Peach Truck @ Van Atta’s, July 5th, 2020
So did it live up to the hype?
But that traffic though.
That was the only downside to picking up my peaches from the fabled "The Peach Truck".
Real quick backstory.
One weekend while hanging with my bestie Stephanie (you'll see her in an apron whipping up cobbler here in a second), she told me of this mystical, mythical peach truck that came around like once a year delivering fresh Georgia peaches like it was the lore of Santa and the Easter Bunny.
She said we simply had to go when it came this year. That weekend we grilled peaches and she has this amazing salted caramel sauce we drizzled over them. Added some whipped cream and it was to die for. Literally. It was that good.
Then, out of nowhere, Max was talking about it. And he had been. And he even wrote an article about it.
So after reading Max's article I headed over to The Peach Truck online to find out dates and how this thing worked.
Heads up if you want to get some of these for the next time they are in the area.
Go to the website. Their next stop for our area is July 26th. They will be in Haslett at Van Atta's from 1:30 -2:30 and later in Charlotte at Family Farm & Home from 4 p to 5 p.
YOU MUST PRE-ORDER. Sorry you can't just simply show up and grab a box. And they also have pecans as well. The 25 lb box of peaches will run you about $43 bucks.
You can take a look here at my wonderful Sunday adventure to go get my peaches.
Word of advice for you, I'd leave to go get em as early as possible the day of. The only drawback from this past weekend's adventure was waiting in that super long line to get to Van Atta's. And it was super hot on Sunday.
The Peach Truck @ Van Atta's 07/05/2020
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