America’s Oldest Operating Railroad Depot Is In Jackson, Michigan
Sometimes, history is right under your nose.
So much so, that the historic value is forgotten and stored away in subconscious memory banks, or maybe some of us get so used to it, we just don't realize what we have so close by.
CASE IN POINT: America's oldest, still-running train depot is right here in Mid-Michigan. The Jackson train depot has been in operation since 1841, rebuilt in 1872 and restored in 1978. It is currently an Amtrak station; but the old depot has seen it's share of steamers, locomotives, freight trains...you name it, it's probably been through.

Take a look at the photo gallery below and see some vintage photos, and how they're currently succeeding in keeping that old-time atmosphere and decor. It's a very cool place in which a person can be surrounded. Next time you take the Amtrak, take it from the Jackson Depot and see this for yourself.
If you have no train-travel plans, visit anyway.....they'd love to see you and you'll get a kick out of your visit!
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