Mental health Advice From Experts
According to the Lansing State Journal, the things we do to keep safe during the coronvirus pandemic, namely isolating away from others, can be damaging to mental health.
They say we're all in this together and that may be true, but staying at home, self isolating, watching negative sad news every day can take a toll on your mental heath.
My wife and I pretty much do the same thing day in and day out at home. My wife Lori works from home everyday and feels the anxiety that we are all feeling these days.
So what are some things we can all do to better ourselves as we continue staying home during this pandemic?
Mental health experts provided advice for staying healthy during these difficult times:
1. Dance, yes just dance. Dancing to three favorite songs in the morning and three favorites at night in order to start and end days in good spirits. There is no way you can be sad and dance at the same time.
2. Work on your goals: People can choose things to work on at home and spend their time at home working toward those goals. Repainting a room in your home is an idea.
3. Stay on a schedule: With all the disruption to work, school and play, people should try to maintain a regular routine.
My wife and I try to walk everyday just to get out of the house and to get some fresh air. We also find new shows on Netflix to watch and we find new projects to work on in our home. Work on your goals and Good Luck!