How Many People Jumped Off the Mackinac Bridge?
A previous article of mine told how many vehicles have plunged off our famous bridge...and that raised another question: 'how many people have jumped off the bridge in order to end it all?'
Since the bridge was constructed from 1954-1957, there have been a number of fatal occurrences.
Aside from the cars going over the edge, and according to Mid-Michigan Remembers, from those initial years of 1954-1957 five construction workers lost their lives:
1) two fell 552 feet while on the north tower
2) one fell 40 feet, hitting his head numerous times on several beams
3) one died after inspecting an underwater pier and surfaced too quickly
4) one died after falling off a beam into the water and drowning

Other instances:
1) A painter working under the bridge fell to the water and drowned
2) In 1978 a small plane crashed into the bridge cables; all three on board perished
3) Five fatal car accidents on the bridge
But what about the number of people who decided to end it all by jumping off? The number varies, depending on where you read your statistics. Some sites claim there have been over a dozen, while some say somewhere between six and twelve.
Some of the bodies were found, others were not.
Even though pedestrians are blocked from walking onto the bridge – except for the Annual Labor Day Walk - it seems that some people, somehow found their way onto the bridge to finish. From 1957 thru 2013 there were nineteen confirmed bridge fatalities. Since then, the number has risen, but the exact amount is up for debate.
Constructing the Mackinac Bridge, 1954-1957
Sunken Objects at the Soo Locks
Mackinac Bridge Mishaps
Arch Rock, Mackinac Island: 1880-2000s
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