Michigan is Home to the World’s Largest Brown Trout
What’s the largest trout you’ve ever seen? How about one that’s 25 feet tall?
Baldwin, Michigan is home to the World's Largest Brown Trout. This metal monster was made by Ivan Iler and unveiled on May 6, 2018, smack in the middle of Baldwin.
Why a trout and why so big?
Iler specifically set out to make this the World's Largest Trout after discovering a large brown trout in New Zealand. That one was 20 feet tall, so he figured he'd top that, and made his trout 25 feet.
This will make an interesting, quick photo op stop for roadtrippers and anyone who likes to visit Michigan’s quirky places.
Located on Michigan Avenue, downtown Baldwin, on the east side of the road between 8th & 9th streets. They keep it lit at night in case you get there late!