Is Lansing Team Pumpkin Spice or Team Apple Cider?
It's fall, y'all!
And you know what that means...pumpkin spice just about everything. But let's not forget that this time of year has some other amazing flavors as well. Namely, apple cider!
I feel like apple cider tends to get a bit overshadowed by it's fall rival, the pumpkin spice latte. Hey, no shade from me about pumpkin spice lattes; I'll probably end up getting one (and thoroughly enjoying it) at some point this fall. But, if I had to pick a team, I would definitely fall into Team Apple Cider. Michigan farms and cider mills produce some of the yummiest apples around, so you know they've got some delicious cider to match.
I reached out to you, our listeners, and asked you to answer the most ultimate fall beverage question; are you Team Pumpkin Spice of Team Apple Cider. And boy, did y'all let us know how you were feeling.
And the winner is...

Dang, I really had things figured wrong...I really thought pumpkin spice would be the more popular of the two. But, of the answers I received, about 72% of people said they preferred apple cider to pumpkin spice. And coming in at second, 11% of you said you like both. Finally, pumpkin spice was preferred by only preferred by about 1% of people. I can't believe it! There were some other good answers like, hard cider or "Team Merlot", but apple cider comes out the champion.
Make your voice heard! Are you team pumpkin spice or team apple cider? Maybe you're a both or neither kind of person. Whatever your preference, we want to know. Send us a message using the station app.
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