The Abandoned Deer Acres Fun Park: Pinconning, Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Located at 2346 N Huron Road in Pinconning, Deer Acres Fun Park and Storybook Land was a favorite getaway destination for many Michigan families.
It opened in 1958 and was sold 50 years later, in 2008. The new owners attempted to update and refurbish the park but a disappointing summer season resulted in financial loss, and soon the park reverted back to the original owners.
It was re-sold to new owners, who wanted to hold classic car shows. Some were held, but evidently not enough income was pouring in to sustain it. Today it sits, abandoned, with some of the original displays crumbling and decaying.

Deer Acres had rides (of which a ferris wheel still stands), animals, settings from fairy tales (like Little Miss Muffett, Three Bears, Jack & Jill, and Sword of the Stone), a mini train that went through the park, games, and refreshments. There's even a beanstalk that still has the giant climbing down after Jack.
Unfortunately, the Fairy Tale setting with exhibits and displays probably weren't enough to hold the attention of the youngsters of the 2000s, thanks to the onslaught of digital technology.
What does the future of Deer Acres Fun Park hold? So far, just memories for the ones who visited as kids. You'll find Deer Acres on M-13 south of Pinconning; look for the life-size wooden soldiers, still standing guard as they have for decades. Entering the grounds is not recommended; it's private property and you could be prosecuted. If possible seek permission.
Abandoned Deer Acres Fun Park
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