The Haunting of the River Raisin Battlefield: Monroe, Michigan
Here’s one of Michigan’s Top Ten Most Haunted Places…the River Raisin National Battlefield Park in Monroe...
The Michigan home of General George Custer, Monroe, Michigan, is the site of the largest and bloodiest battle in the state. The Battles of River Raisin – also called “Battles of Frenchtown” – occurred before Custer was even born. These battles took place during the War of 1812. The British really hammered the American troops, who were forced to surrender. American soldiers were led away by the British, leaving wounded & injured American soldiers lying to die on the battlefield. These helpless soldiers were then massacred by Native Americans in a surprise attack. The wounded and their homes were robbed of valuables, and the ones that couldn't walk were scalped and killed. Homes were burned down along with the bodies of the slain soldiers...it all came to be known as 'Massacre of the River Raisin'.
This was the deadliest battle of the War of 1812 and it saw over 500 American soldiers killed....right here in Michigan. As recent as the year 2000, scattered human remains were found in the vicinity...which helps re-inforce the 'haunted battlefield' legend.
Paranormal teams have held investigations at the River Raisin National Battlefield Park, using objects of the time (early 1800’s), like music and other items, to coax some spirits into appear or communicate. Some people have claimed to photograph ghostly figures on the field, in doorways and in windows; and others claim to have heard – and recorded – cries of pain & agony on the field.
Paranormal investigators have had a field day with this place, years before it even became a public park. Ghost Hunters of Southern Michigan says this place is "a paranormal investigator's dream come true" and they have the pictures of apparitions as well as EVP's of ghostly voices to prove their point.
But not just do paranormal investigators experience ghosts...everyday visitors to the park have their own stories to tell. Orbs, nighttime glowing lights and apparitions of soldiers reportedly have been seen by visitors, who have also captured ghostly voices on tape.
Richard Ellison of Dead Serious Paranormal in Monroe is quoted in monroenews.com saying, "I could still notice my surroundings, but what I was seeing is very hard to describe. I could hear screaming and loud chant-like noises, but my vision was a blur. It was like watching something while being underwater. I remember snapping out of it, but I don't know how long I was doing this." He believes the feelings of a dead soldier invaded his mind, as visions of battle entered his brain.
Many other eyewitness accounts abound, even by casual passersby who happen to notice strange goings-on within the former battle field.....including sightings of a girl wearing a flowing white dress, wandering the battlefields, possibly in search of a lost love who lost his life in battle.
River Raisin battleground is located at 1403 East Elm Avenue, Monroe, Michigan. This is open to the public, but always treat any 'haunted' place with respect.
Take equipment: cameras, recorders, whatever you can...chances are above average that you will capture something.
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