Governor Whitmer Says Schools May Re-open
Both parents and kids were happy to hear the Governor's news conference this morning addressing the coronavirus in Michigan and that schools may re-open this fall.
The Governor announced this morning that schools in Michigan may resume "in-person learning" under phase four of the state's Safe Start plan.
Schools in Michigan may have gotten the okay to open, however, they will have to follow strict health and safety measures.
On June 30th, Governor Whitmer plans to release an executive order that will include a detailed document called "Michigan's Return to School Roadmap." This will contain all the recommendations that schools in Michigan will need to follow to be able to open this fall.
At her Wednesday morning news conference, the Governor said that our students and educators have made incredible sacrifices in the past few months to protect themselves and their families from the spread of COVID-19. This helped flatten the curve and, along with those working so hard on the front-line, helped get us to schools opening in the fall.
Governor Whitmer said she is working closely with the Return to Learn Advisory Council and healthcare leaders to ensure the safety of all.