Goodbye And Good Riddance, September 2020
In a year that has been so downright exhausting, September sucked out any glimmer of hope left in my soul.
I don't mean that lightly, I'm serious. I am sitting here writing this just absolutely emotionally exhausted.
This is not to make you feel bad for me, not at all. I have noticed a lot of people are feeling similarly, at least judging by their posts on social media.
The thing is, September did not start out all-that bad. It actually started off with such a band and so much fun with our friends from St. Louis. I was also able to finally get back out and about and hang out with our fine WMMQ family.
However, then it all just started downhill from there.
Political tensions are getting more and more tough and anxiety-inducing, especially with the election drawing nearer. Also, I had to say goodbye to my "fur baby" of 13 years, Bella and I'm still reeling from it. Then, most recently, we lost the great and "notorious" RBG;.
This month, I think I just have finally accepted how negatively this year has impacted me and many others. I am usually a "glass half full" kind of person, trying to at least convince myself things aren't as bad as they seem, that it will all blow over.
I know as this year continues, the more we just want it to be over and while I know wishing the time away won't make our problems go away, I just would rather at least just feel like we've got somewhat of a clean slate.
For now, I welcome October with wide open arms. The world around us calms down, nature puts on a beautiful color show for us, and moody fall weather makes it so we can just curl up on the couch with blankets and cider and just giving yourself time to feel/
At this point, I am not going to try to force myself into feeling anything other than what I am feeling and I encourage you all to do the same.
Fall is a time for change and slowing down. So slow down and figure out what the heck is going on in your own head because going into winter in a bad mental health space is not fun.
I'm not saying to sit and wallow and be miserable, I just mean don't fight your feelings. Acknowledge them and work through them.
I know the joke has been said many times and no, I'm not making "THE" joke; however, I finally understand just how much Billy Joel Armstrong from Green Day was onto something when he wrote "Wake Me Up When September Ends."
Bring on October!