Is Eaton Rapids REALLY Earth’s Only Eaton Rapids?
Eaton Rapids, Michigan, has many nicknames. It was once called the "Saratoga of the West" because of its mineral-rich springs. Since its business district is completely surrounded by water, it's also called "Island City." While it may not be considered a traditional nickname, the city has been referred to as "The Only Eaton Rapids on Earth," which is a bold claim. But is it really the ONLY Eaton Rapids on Earth? Let's find out.
Armed with only a computer, an hour of free time, and an odd desire to prove that there IS another Eaton Rapids on the planet, I cracked my fingers and went about what proved to be a very monotonous Google search. I started by searching only "Eaton Rapids":
Is Eaton Rapids, Michigan, Really the Only Eaton Rapids on Earth?
Google does use your location to narrow search results, so it wasn't surprising that Michigan's Eaton Rapids was the only one that appeared when I searched it.

So, I searched "Eaton Rapids, Alabama," working my way alphabetically through all 50 states. I even started throwing in Eaton Rapids, followed by countries. I can assure you there isn't an Eaton Rapids in France or all of Europe that I could find.
I searched every continent with no luck. The ONLY Eaton Rapids I could find on Google Earth was, in fact, Eaton, Rapids, Michigan. I know there are other means of searching. Maybe an expedition will be required to discover if any undiscovered tribes exist in remote jungles or forests that bear the name, but I don't own a machete, and I'm fresh out of bug spray, so Google Earth will have to do.
While I can't definitively say "Eaton Rapids, Michigan is the only Eaton Rapids on Earth," I can confidently state, "Eaton Rapids, Michigan is the only Eaton Rapids I could find on Google Earth." While a factual statement, it doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?
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