Don’t Let Your Guard Down – 700 New COVID-19 Cases in MI
Now is not the time to let your guard down on COVID-19. September 23, it was announced that there were just over 700 new cases in Michigan and a dozen more deaths linked to those cases.
As time goes on during the pandemic, it gets easier to let your guard down. Heck I forgot my mask the other day and I am one of the early mask wearers.
A lot of people don't feel affected by the pandemic if they, their family, friends or co-workers have not caught the virus, so it may not seem like a thing to them. Well it still is.
Michigan had its largest spike in cases in April and slowly fell with occasional spikes in May and kind of leveled off in June. Cases from June to September still have gone up and down but have remained at a consistent level.
Now with schools back in session, some sports back in play, more businesses open, we may see an uptick in cases if people let their guards down. We've already seen what has happened with the outbreak at Grand Valley State University that health officials are trying to slow down.
I heard someone the other day use wearing a seatbelt as an analogy when talking about wearing a mask. It is uncomfortable at first, sometimes awkward and even hard to remember to put on in the early days. Here we are years later and it feels weird not to wear a seatbelt while driving or riding in a vehicle. Well the same goes with wearing a mask and washing your hands more frequently.
Every day when I walk into our radio studio I have a new routine, before I set up my show, I grab an alcohol wipe and wipe down the desk, mouse and keypad, all the buttons the last person or I might touch. I wipe the chair rails, back and lever to adjust chair, the door handle to the studio and light switches no to mention I have a special spray to disinfect the microphone without damaging it. I do the same thing when my show is done and have been doing this since March, it has become a normal part of my day.
According to WOOD, health officials want the number of tests that test positive at 3% or lower in order to have the virus under control. Currently, Michigan is averaging higher than that so we all need to keep up our guard against COVID-19 to not only lower the average but hopefully get it down to nothing.