A small dog was rescued Saturday afternoon after being stranded on the ice on Mud Island off of the Detroit River for four days. "Miracle" or Alfonso is doing well after surviving multiple days in frigid temperatures and being chased by a coyote

He is currently being cared for at Woodhaven Animal Hospital. Dr. Greear says he's currently on IV fluids and being kept inside in a hyperbaric chamber.

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We were able to get him basically groomed just to get the big pelted hair off him, and we're keeping a sweater on him. We're not letting him go outside yet just because he was outside for so long. I just know there's a lot of people out there worried about this guy. He's still on his IV fluids, and we'll keep everyone updated as best we can.



As of right now, there are no official GoFundMe accounts for Alfonso/Miracle. The Animal Resource Funding Foundation is covering the medical expenses.  Animal control and the shelter are still in the process of discovering the identity of the dog's owner.

Working in the veterinary field on and off for 7 years, I've seen a lot of good and a lot of bad. It's a very tough but rewarding job. A lot of people think when you work in the field, it's a day full of snuggles and kisses, but it's not. Quite often we have animals in pain or potential abuse cases. Which is horrible because all a pet wants is to love and be loved.

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