Could Virtual Doctor Visits be the New Norm?
It's almost like an electronic house call. Instead of dealing with traffic and bad weather, picture yourself at home, meeting face to face with your doctor with a virtual visit.
My wife had a doctor's appointment last week and it was a virtual doctor's appointment. She said it wasn't that bad and kind of weird based on the fact that she's been going to the doctor's office for years.
According to the Detroit Free Press, online doctor visits may be new to a lot of people, but they're here to stay.
Not only are they safe, but they're also an easy, efficient and personalized way to access health care.
Even though these virtual doctor visits are the new norm, I think it's going to take some getting used to.
You can use your smartphone, computer or tablet for your appointment and discuss symptoms of minor illnesses, such as a sinus infection or allergies.
Not everything can be treated via a virtual doctor's appointment, but some ailments that may be treated by virtual appointments include:
Insect Bites
Sore Throats
If necessary, your doctor can prescribe medication or order refills of already prescribed medication. If your doctor decides a further examination or tests are needed, they can be scheduled after your virtual appointment. (Detroit Free Press)