The Cascades Falls in Jackson are a beautiful sight, to be sure, during the season when the water is flowing & squirting, the colors are dancing and the music is playing. And during wintertime, the area is a perfect place for sledding and snowboarding.

But in those off-season times - like right before the snow hits - a person doesn't pay too much attention to how majestic the place is. Even when there are no leaves on the trees, no fluffy blanket of snow on the ground, the concrete pools are empty, there are no flashing colors and no familiar tunes blaring from the speakers, the grounds are still pretty impressive...and these pictures prove it. Take a look at the photo gallery and see for yourself.....a baker's dozen drone photos that show how impressive the Cascades area is...ANY time of year!

No time is a bad time to visit one of Mid-Michigan's favorite places...


Take a look below at the video from where these photos came...very impressive!









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