ABANDONED MICHIGAN: Grand Marais Air Force Station
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
The Grand Marais Air Force Station became operational in 1954 and closed down just a few short years later in 1957. It's main purpose was as a mobile radar station, supporting the United States' ADC Radar network, guiding interceptor aircraft toward possible enemy intruders that were picked up on radar.
Lack of funds caused the shutdown and the property was acquired by a couple who used the buildings for their own storage.
To this day, a few of the original buildings still stand: officer's building, barracks and a few others.
It's privately owned but you can get permission to explore, as many others have. It's overgrown and tucked away off the main roads but it's still fun to see. Plus, six and a half miles south, down twisting & turning dirt & side roads, is the Grand Marais Airport, which began operation in 1977. From the satellite photos, it looks desolate & abandoned, but it is still open for public use. Take a look for yourself.....it's worth driving down to explore!
See the photos below for pics of the abandoned base and the old airport. These could be a couple of interesting stops to make during your next Michigan roadtrip!
...and make sure you get permission to explore...