WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this or any abandoned property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Here we go again...this time around it's the old abandoned George N. Brady Elementary School in Detroit, located at 2920 Joy Road.

First of all, why should a school be named after this guy? George Newton Brady was born and raised in Detroit. George was concerned about the well-being of Detroit boys, of whom many grew up in the streets, sometimes turning to crime and delinquency. He became connected to the boy scouts and donated some of his land in Oakland County as a scout camp.

George was also involved in various charities and organizations that benefitted not just the young, but all the local citizens. In (what is now referred to as) the Boston-Edison Historic District, large apartment buildings were being built, which meant more families, more kids...therefore, the need for a school. When the Brady School opened in 1921, it employed only thirteen faculty members teaching 350 kids. Before that, the neighborhood kids had to attend classes in some rooms over a drugstore at the corner of Clairmount and Linwood.

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Upon expansion in 1925, the school handled 1,320 kids, grades kindergarten thru the sixth. As the years dwindled away, so did the student body. By the early 2000s there were only 500 enrolled kids. The school shut down for good in 2007.

Sitting abandoned for well over a decade, the place has not-surprisingly deteriorated, vandals have entered, and a water main has broken. Yet, there is an on-going interest in making it an Historical Site.

Take a look at the gallery below and see how this former elementary school appears today.

Abandoned George Brady Elementary School, Detroit


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