Abandoned 1930s(?) Gas Station in Northern Michigan
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Here's another abandoned place for you all...it's a deserted gas station located somewhere in Michigan. That's right – the videographer has not disclosed the location, only that it is in Michigan.....but I feel it is safe to assume it is somewhere in northern Michigan.
It's obviously a very old gas station (1930s, maybe?), with cool antique gas pumps. On the inside is a section that was used to sell antiques and collectables, which looks like they have been picked over good by trespassers and looters.

There is (what looks like) an old ice cream freezer, gun holster, a souvenir throw pillow from the Grand Ole Opry, toolbox, chainsaw, glass display case.....and even a sealed polka party record.
It hasn't quite been taken over by nature yet, but it has a good start. There's a collapsed building out back which may or may not have been a shed, shack for storage, or maybe an outhouse.
Anyone know where exactly this is located? It's a pretty interesting old station, I'm guessing I goes back as far as the 1930s, at least. Take a look at the handful of images in the gallery below and see if anything looks familiar...
Abandoned Gas Station, Northern Michigan
Abandoned Ice Cream Shop, Upper Peninsula
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