April 30, 2015 | 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Fowler High School
700 S. Main St., Fowler , MI 48835 United States

Additional Information

April is Autism Awareness month, and to support this cause the Fowler High School LINKs group has set up numerous events to spread the message of autism.
On Thursday April 2nd, every student attending Fowler High School wore the color blue to commemorate autism awareness. This day was World Autism Awareness Day, and to further build on this significant day, the LINKs group passed out homemade ribbons to everyone. These ribbons contained puzzle pieces at their centers, which have been designated as the symbol of autism.
Other events to be held by FSH include playing autism-related videos to greater educate individuals about this condition throughout the month. Also, the daily inspiration quotes found in our announcements have changed to daily quotes or facts about autism and its effects.
Throughout April we have, and will continue, to spread information to the public about autism. However, in addition to these, we are also spreading acts of kindness. After raising thousands of dollars towards cancer research in the month of February, the LINKs students decided to instead raise kindness for autism awareness month. We have dedicated people in and around our community to base these acts upon, especially families and individuals who have first-hand experience with and support autism. Posters and booklets have been created of these people to fuel the FSH students to spread these acts of kindness wherever they go. We were asked to complete four acts of kindness for anyone we feel appreciates one, and those whom we chose were asked to dedicate another four acts anyone of their choosing to continue the cycle. This way, we have been spreading the message of autism along with making our community and surrounding areas a better, kinder place to live.
Finally, to commemorate the events held and the awareness spread by Fowler High School, we will be holding International Pay It Forward Day at the end of the month in the school gymnasium. During this celebration, we will invite the individuals and families whom we've dedicated our acts of kindness to, and we will present these honored guests with the booklets created showing each act of kindness completed by students in dedication to them. One last thing I'd like to add is that FHS has now set a goal to reach 500 acts of kindness before this celebration, and, as of April 23, we are at about 300, so we are well on our way.
Be sure to join us from 1:45 - 3:00 p.m. on April 30th, otherwise known as International Pay It Forward Day!

The celebration is actually more of a community event, the village of Fowler is welcome to attend, but I don't believe we would have the space for everyone in the radio station broadcasting area to attend. The purpose of announcing it is more of getting out the message of spreading acts of kindness, and also, to spread the message of Autism Awareness.