The Worst Place in Michigan to Find a Date
Most everyone has – or had – favorite places where you could meet someone new and hook up. No matter what you wanna call it: a score, a one-nighter, a pickup…’s all the same. And these don’t always turn out sleazy; many people who meet for the first time at their favorite pickup places have actually gone on to have meaningful relationships (geez, I can’t believe I said that).
So what are some of these favorite spots? Bars, coffee houses, grocery stores, the workplace, the beach, gyms, school, college, theaters, restaurants…..even just rolling down your window at a stop light.
But no matter where you go, if it’s still difficult to get yourself a date, don’t necessarily blame yourself – it just might be your location…yeah, it could depend on your hometown. So all that above stuff you just read was intended as a lead-in for this: The Worst Place in Michigan to Find a Date.
So what IS the worst place in Michigan to find a date?
I'll go ya one better - I'll give you the Top Ten Worst.
That’s right – another list put together by someone with time on their hands.
The following list was put together by using the following data:
Amount of singles
Number of people without children
Number of places to meet people (like the ones already listed above)
So, according to this list put together by Roadsnacks, the Worst Places are (counting down to Number One):
Worst Places in Michigan to Find a Date
So to recap, the Ten Worst Places are:
01. East Grand Rapids
02. New Baltimore
03. Wyoming
04. Beverly Hills
05. Kentwood
06. Grosse Pointe Woods
07. Muskegon Heights
08. Rochester Hills
09. Grosse Pointe Park
10. Sterling Heights
Now, to be fair, this list was put together way back on New Year’s Eve 2015 (somebody must not have had a date and was lonely), so it has more than likely changed by now…or has it?