With Bow and Arrows Sportsman Are Ready For The Hunt
October 1st is the day my brother, brother in law, nephews , nieces and cousins headed off to the woods, as archery deer season begins in Michigan. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources says that Michigan is the top state in the NATION for deer taken with archery equipment.
Crossbows can be used across the state from now until November 14th. They can also be used in the lower Peninsula during December.
I am from a HUGE hunting family, which includes many of my female relatives, it, however was never something I was interested in.
If you want to hit the woods, Over-the-counter licenses for antler-less deer are still available in some areas.
So Archery season is on until November 14th , and Firearm season begins on November 15th....or as we refer to it in my family 'the hunters holiday'.