The Deadly Blonde of Butler Cemetery: Westland, Michigan
William Ganong Cemetery - also referred to as Butler Cemetery - is one of this state's most haunted, most legendary and most talked about cemeteries, located on Henry Ruft Road in Westland.
In 1980, a psychic was investigating the graveyard when she came across (what she thought) was a blond wig. It wasn't. It was the scalp taken from a woman. In the vicinity of the scalp were pieces of bone, shards of a coffin and shreds of a white dress. While authorities speculated a coffin was washed aground due to heavy rainfall - or possibly some animal dug it up - the psychic had a feeling it was the remains of something more diabolic.
Then the occurrences began.
Traffic accidents began to happen on the curve near the cemetery, killing one man and injuring numerous others. This led to locals believing that the woman whose pieces washed up with her coffin was causing accidents.....unfortunate motorists have seen an attractive blond woman standing in the road in front of their vehicles; when they swerve to miss hitting her, they go off the road and crash. This section of the road has been lazily called "Bad Curve" and you can see the pictures in the photo gallery above.
She's been called a beautiful blonde and the 'woman in white.' She appears not just in the middle of the road, but has been seen wisping her way through the graveyard, disappearing like mist and sometimes walking with a man dressed in a grey uniform. Some people say they've heard screams coming from the cemetery.
In 1832, a local farmer gave part of his land to the community to be used as a cemetery; no more people are being buried there, and the cemetery has become overgrown with weeds and grass and is eerie even in broad daylight. It has approximately 350 corpses buried there, and some say when the mobile home park was built around it, they didn't bother to move some of the graves...just like in the film "Poltergeist." Some residents of the mobile home park believe their homes were placed over some graves whose headstones were removed, but not the bodies. Therefore, this could be causing some of the extra paranormal activity that goes on in that area: sounds of clanking, footsteps, weeping, whispers and more when the cemetery is empty with NO visitors.
This cemetery is just down the road from another "Haunted Michigan" location, 'The Eloise Asylum' which you can read about by clicking here.
Check out the photo gallery below, then pay a visit...and always, ALWAYS be respectful when you visit these places.
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