Will There Be Violence in a Divided Nation on Election Day?
You can't help but wonder if there will be violence in a divided nation come election day on Tuesday, Nov. 3?
According to USA Today, Americans are somewhat worried about what will happen at the finish line of this year's uncanny election.
You have to wonder, will voting be peaceful and the outcome broadly accepted?
Based on the latest USA Today/Suffolk Poll:
Three of 4 voters are concerned about the possibility of violence on Election Day. Only 1 in 4 say they are very confident that the nation will have a peaceful transfer of power if Democratic challenger Joe Biden defeats President Donald Trump.
I personally would have to agree, I'm also very concerned about what's going to happen on election day, and days after election day. What I see are a lot of angry people in the United States and this cannot be good.
One lady who lives in St. Petersburg Florida said "there's a very angry undertone out there right now. I'm in my 70's, and I feel like this is one of the scariest times I've ever seen for America since possibly (President) Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis in 1962." (USA Today)
When it comes to voting on election day, name the single issue that is most important in deciding your vote? 19% cited the economy and jobs. Ten percent said the pandemic, and an additional 9% said health care, a related concern.
Since the last election, confidence that there will be a peaceful transfer of power has eroded, perhaps because Trump has refused to commit to that. At this point in 2016, 40% of Americans were very confident about a peaceful transfer of power. Now just 23% are. Nearly 4 in 10 have little confidence that will happen. (USA Today)
People feel like there is much more hatred and a lot more aggressiveness being shown by people, and that to many is very frightening.