The Lost & Abandoned Mine Tunnels of Vulcan, Michigan
In the woods that lie behind the baseball diamond in the small town of Vulcan in the U.P., there is said to be an old ore mine. Explorers say if you stand in front of the ball field looking north, the mining buildings are in the woods to the right of the driveway.
But is it a mine or just some other type of underground tunnels?
Some say it's Native American mine tunnels, some say copper or iron mine shafts. And then there are others who confuse this area with the Iron Mountain Iron Mine tunnels that's located in the same area. Either way, there are underground tunnels in both locations...the main difference is, with the Iron Mountain mine tunnels, you go on a guided tour 400 feet below the earth's surface. If there are any tunnels behind the ball field, you're taking a big risk.
You can go on a legitimate mine tunnel tour on the Iron Mountain Iron Mine Ride, located at West 4852 Hwy US-2 in Vulcan.
Check out the photos and see if it's worth a trip there.
Abandoned Grand Haven Mine
Abandoned Silver Mine, Lake Superior
Abandoned Unknown Mine, Upper Peninsula