Two Highway Construction Projects in Ingham and Clinton Counties
There are so many road projects going on in Michigan that it's hard to get around in some areas of the state.
For example, if you take a drive to the corner of Pennsylvania and Mt. Hope in Lansing, the entire area south of that corner is a complete shut down. No traffic can get through except local residents.

Another area is eastbound I-496. As you head toward downtown Lansing, you will find several road closures leading to alternate routes throughout the city.
And in my neck of the woods, Okemos, there is major road work being done in that area, including the Okemos bridge on Okemos road.
It seems like everywhere we go these days, we're fighting road construction and non-stop orange barrels.
Now it's time to be prepared for multiple projects beginning this week on Interstate 69 in Clinton County and U.S. 127 in Ingham County.
The Michigan Department of Transportation is working very hard on state highways and bridges that are critical to the economy.
According to the Lansing State Journal:
In Ingham County, MDOT closed the southbound U.S. 127 ramp to Barnes Road Monday for reconstruction, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 11. On Oct. 31, MDOT will start work on ramps at Kipp Road with an estimated completion date of Nov. 18.
And of course with all of this road construction we can expect the usual road signs that inform us to expect delays and seek alternate routes.
If we take a look at Clinton County, here's information form the Lansing State Journal:
In Clinton County, MDOT will close Airport Road over I-69 for bridge rebuilding starting Thursday. Traffic will be detoured via Clark, DeWitt and Stoll roads. The project’s estimated end date is Nov. 23.
It all seems like a nuisance right now, but when everything is all said and done, we are going to have much better roads to drive on sometime in the upcoming near future.