Top Ten States Michiganders Regretted Moving To
How many friends or family members do you know that have moved out of Michigan, and regretted their move? I know a good handful...the grass is NOT always greener somewhere else. There are things to dislike no matter where you go.
Yup - once they move away, it may take a few months before they mutter "What was I thinking?" and eventually come back home to Michigan. That's right.....HOME. This is our home. We take the good and the bad - and fortunately, we have more good than bad.
Thanks to an idea from a youtube video, here are the:
Top Ten States Michiganders Regretted Moving To
25 Things Michiganders Have No Tolerance For
Words Michiganders Don't Understand
40 Terms That Prove Michiganders Have an Accent
The Michigan accent is subtle, but there are certain words and phrases that set us apart from other states. We've put together a list of terms that prove Michiganders do in fact have an accent.