To Have or Not to Have Thanksgiving Dinner That is the Question
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year. In my house, it's a loving and fun gathering of family, and sometimes friends too. It's a party giving thanks for our blessings. But, this year? Maybe not so much of a gathering.
I was just discussing this very thing with my kids, do we, or don't we, get together. We said.....DON'T!. What? Not be together on Thanksgiving? No way! But, again, we have to be safe and smart and stay as healthy as we can. Well then, how do we handle this.
Actually, it is possible to somewhat get together. To help us, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued guidance Wednesday for traveling safely during the holidays. Hey, there's hope for me yet.
Fox17 wrote that of course if we really want to travel for the holidays we need to follow usual COVID-19 precautions, such as wearing a mask, avoiding close contact, avoiding touching our face and washing our hands.
The new guidance urges Michiganders to host virtual festivities instead of in-person gatherings if there is a risk of community spread. And, if it will be an In-person gathering, well, it should be held outdoors if possible. In Michigan?
Here is what the Department of Health recommends. Indoor gatherings should avoid crowded, poorly ventilated or fully enclosed indoor spaces and should be limited to 10 people or less. Everyone who will be in an indoor and outdoor gatherings should also:
Social distance
Wear cloth masks
Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Keep safe around food and drinks, including following good hygiene and limiting the amount of people in areas where food is prepared.
If you want to read the complete guidance from the Department of Health, CLICK HERE!
This is a tough time on all of us, but hey, let's stay safe, well, love our family and plan a big blowout for next year.
READ MORE: 6 ways the whole family can play together at home
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