Take Advantage of Lower Fares Over July 4th Weekend
Those of you gearing up for the July 4th weekend, take note. Fares fluctuate as much as $200, depending on the day you fly. That's according to kayak.com.
The site analyzed fares and found flying into your destination on Sunday, July 2, and flying out on Wednesday, July 5, will be your best bet to save money, with airfare for domestic flights around $200.
The most expensive dates are Friday, June 30, and Friday, July 7, with airfare about $400 on both dates.
Travelers who have the ability to travel in the coming weeks should take advantage of lower fares. Airlines for America, the industry trade group representing the major U.S. airlines, projects 234 million passengers during the period June 1 to Aug. 31, 9 million more than last summer.