Michigan's Invasive Bug Battle: Squish This Bug—or ElseMichigan's Invasive Bug Battle: Squish This Bug—or ElseThe spotted lanternfly threatens to invade Michigan, poses a serious threat to Michigan apple crop and agriculture across the board. Scott ClowScott Clow
Urgent Warning For Michigan From Pittsburgh: SQUISH THIS BUGUrgent Warning For Michigan From Pittsburgh: SQUISH THIS BUGMichigan on high alert as Pittsburgh's spotted lanternflies make their way north. Learn how to spot and report these invasive pests!Scott ClowScott Clow
Why Officials Want You To Kill Colorful Lanternflies If Found In MichiganWhy Officials Want You To Kill Colorful Lanternflies If Found In MichiganLanternflies are colorful to look at, but if you see any beware, many bug experts want you to kill them.Cadillac JackCadillac Jack
Michigan DNR Asks For Your Help Finding New BugsMichigan DNR Asks For Your Help Finding New BugsWhy? Bug poop falling like rain from the trees. That's why.Banana DonBanana Don